
January 22, 2012 § Leave a comment

Recently I voluntarily put myself into a life or death situation, at first I did not think of it this way but halfway through the task I realized I miscalculated my climbing ability and swiftly needed to decide the best dismount. This blog entry is not so much about my personal experience as it is to remind myself and others how fragile we are.  Despite my 30 plus foot leap off a climbing route in Red Rocks into some jagged rocks below, I sustained minimal injuries throughout my body (L4 fracture) (lft Calcaneal fracture) and the worst injury acquired (rt calcaneal shattered) will force me to learn basic walking technique all over again.

Which leads me into exposing this series of images, last year mid summer I attended a Billy Higgins tribute at the Jazz concert hall in Hollywood with my mother. Just before entering the venue I heard a thump thump sound as if something large smashed into a large duffle bag full of cabbage followed with wooing and a quick visual of a screeching car turning the corner block.

After pinpointing the sound of commotion I hustled over to where I found this man lying supine being assisted by a citizen holding c-spine (immobilization of head). Quickly severing my desire to help I swiftly took out my camera and proceeded to shoot some images. The man was launched more or less 40 to 50 feet from the cross walk in where his one shoe, skateboard, and backpack stayed put.

Miraculously he was talking and describing to us what it was he was doing before the accident. This blog entry is a reminder to myself and others in how fragile we are, and to never take what our bodies have to offer for granted………….

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